The aim of this training programme is to increase knowledge and understanding of Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse. To ensure that those working with vulnerable adults have a sound knowledge of, and remain compliant with, the HSE Policy: ‘Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse 2014’
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By the end of the session, learners will:
- Discuss what is understood to be a vulnerable person
- Define Abuse, outline the types of abuse and identify who may abuse a vulnerable person
- Describe their role using the building blocks and principles for safeguarding an promoting welfare for vulnerable persons
- Describe the key considerations in recognizing abuse
- Describe the procedures when responding to concerns or allegations of abuse of vulnerable persons
- Understand their role in the protection of vulnerable adults in their care
- Understand the concept of self-neglect and the procedure to follow when responding to concerns of self-neglect
Entry Requirements:
In order to participate on this online programme, learners must hold a major award at Level 5 (or higher), or be currently working towards a QQI Level 5 major award in Healthcare/Homecare sector.
Learners must have access to:
- PC/Laptop/Smart Phone/Tablet
- Wifi Connection
A short Exercise must be completed on course completion.
Course Duration – 1.5 Hours
Course Cost - €50.00